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Lifetime Access to Summit
1:1 Power Hour Call with Anne-Marie
Personalised bespoke meditation to support you with your growth
Access to my VIP Masterclass “Empowered Women Lead” on 11th July 7pm.

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Unlimited access to all summit interview recordings (Value £197)

1:1 Power Hour with me where you will leave with three clear strategies to get you moving towards your goals and the life you desire (Value £147)

A personalised, bespoke Meditation Recording just for You to support you in the area of growth you need. Amazing! (Value £97)

Access to my Masterclass available to VIP participants only (Value £77)

You have access to all of this for £47

Yes only £47 for this additional support, tools and strategies to empower you to Heal, Bloom, Grow and become Leader of Your Life

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Anne-Marie x

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